There is an issue with linking and embedding Films on Demand videos and video segments in Microsoft products. It has to do with how Microsoft handles the links. When the link is clicked, you get a login screen instead of the video automatically playing. The workaround suggested by Films on Demand is to create a playlist and then link to the playlist instead of the individual segment or video.

Here's the process step-by-step:

From the Library's Online Database list, click the Films on Demand link. If off campus, you will be prompted to enter your myPittCC credentials.

Create a personal account in Films on Demand and then log in.

Screen image of My Films















Navigate to (or search for) the video you want to use in your document, then click "Add to."

Screen image of Add To link








Click "Playlist."

Screen Image of Playlist









Beside "New Playlist" type the name of your new playlist, then click the "New Playlist" button.

Screen image of New Playlist
















Click "Go to Playlists."

Screen image of Go to Playlists














Click "Embed/Link."

Screen image: Embed/Link















Copy the entire link provided beside Record URL
This is the URL you will use to link out to the video. You will not be able to embed the video, but you can create a screen shot or insert a still image from the video and use that as your linked object. 

Screen image: Record URL















NOTE: If you have more than one video in the playlist, then you will be linking to the entire playlist, which may be OK if you have several videos that you want to access during your presentation. However, if you want to keep the videos separate, then create a different playlist for each video. 

If you need help, please contact us!