By setting up Library Links, you can access research articles licensed by PCC Library while using Google Scholar.
Go to Google Scholar:
If you have a Google account, go ahead and sign in. This way, you will always have your Library Link connected no matter where you log in to Google.
Click the sandwich menu in the top left.
From the drop-down menu, choose Settings.
From the Settings menu, choose Library Links.
In the search box under Show library access links for… type Pitt Community College.
Click the Search button.
Click to check the box next to Pitt Community College - Full-Text @ My Library.
You may also see options for PITT COMMUNITY COLLEGE-ProQuest Fulltext and/or Open WorldCat. You may check all three, but it is not necessary.
Click Save.

When you log in to your Google account and search Google Scholar, you will see Full-Text @ My Library along with other links out to the sides of articles.
To access the article, click one of the links out to the side (there may be more than one way to access an article).
When you see . . .
No link out to the side - You can submit an Interlibrary Loan request and we will try to find access via another library
[PDF] URL from a school (.edu) or other website (.org, .com, etc.) - Click to open the article
ProQuest Fulltext - Available in one of PCC's ProQuest databases; Click the link, login to mypittCC, get the article
Full-Text @ My Library - Available in one of PCC Library's databases; Click the link, login to mypittCC, get the article
NOTE: When you click a link that goes to content available via a Library database, you will be prompted to login to myPittCC before you can access the article.
If you have questions, or come across an article with a Full-Text @ My Library link that doesn’t actually take you to the article, please contact Angela Davis, PCC Librarian, at
Updated: 5/30/2024 ASD