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ENG 112: The Last Ballad

Summon Search

Summon Search

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Remember! Once you get a list of results, use the filters on the left to make your results list more manageable.

Summon Search Examples

  • "North Carolina" AND textile workers
  • mill AND strike AND "North Carolina"
  • "Ella Mae Wiggins" OR "Ella May Wiggins"
  • protest songs
  • "substance abuse"
  • "substance abuse" AND poverty
  • single-parent families AND children AND poverty
  • (absentee OR deadbeat OR abandon*) AND father*

Subject Databases

Search library databases that are related to a specific subject area. 

  • Go to the Library's list of databases.
  • Click the "Subjects" button.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose a subject area related to your topic. 

Local Newspapers