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HEA: Global Nutrition Project

This guide presents resources and search tips to help you complete your HEA global project. [Instructor: F. Humphrey]

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Search Tips

Examples of searches that you can copy and paste into the Summon search box . . .

  • American AND (diet OR nutrition OR food)
  • ("United States" OR American) AND (diet OR nutrition OR food)
  • Mexico AND (diet OR nutrition OR food)
  • "food security" AND agriculture
  • "food security" AND "United States"
  • "food insecurity" AND climate
  • ("food security" OR "food insecurity") AND (agriculture OR climate OR violence)
  • (nutrition OR nutrients OR macronutrients) AND "food supply" AND "United States"

You can change the words or phrases to fit your search topic. If you need help, please ask a librarian!

Do not use complete sentences. Only type the important keywords related to your topic.

Use the features under "Refine Your Results" to limit by date (last 5 years), subject, type of resource, etc.