General topic database that includes articles from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Collection of over 600 full-text reference books that cover thousands of topics including art, business, medicine, sociology, technology, and much more.
A country by country guide specifically designed for those engaged in international trade & business travel. It includes points of interest, information about climate, culture, food, health, human rights, and much more.
IMPORTANT! If you are not able to access database content, you may need to try a different browser.
Provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions.
Includes full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand.
Provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries.
Provides full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal.
Provides full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries.
The username and password to access databases from off campus is the same as what you use to access the PCC portal (myPittCC) and Moodle. DO NOT include the last part of your email address ( in the username. Generic logins are available to community residents with PCC library cards, and others who are enrolled in or are affiliated with PCC programs and continuing education courses. Have questions? Ask us!