Do not use complete sentences. Break your topic down and only enter the important keywords.
sanctuary cities
anti-immigrant attitudes
zero tolerance AND immigration
immigrants AND border wall AND perspective
Narrow the Results:
Once you have a list of results in Summon, use the search filters to refine your search results:
Publication Date: We suggest limiting to the last 5 years or less depending on your topic.
Content Type: Choose to view only a certain type of resource at once such as newspapers, e-books, journal articles, etc.
Subject: Choose to view resources that fall into a particular subject area.
Identifying Book Reviews
You do not want to choose a book review as the basis for most assignments. You can often tell that you have a book review because it will list the citation information along with the ISBN and price at the very beginning of the review. Many library databases will give you options for excluding book reviews from your search results list.