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Creative Commons at Pitt CC

How to Apply a Creative Commons License to Your Created or Adapted Open Educational Resources (OER) at PCC

Creative Commons at Pitt CC

PCC OER CC Licensing Policy

While working at the College, have you created or adapted openly licensed works to which you would like to apply a Creative Commons license? Have you made sure that you are using information that has been clearly marked as either being in the Public Domain, Creative Commons, or other license that allows you to use it? The information presented in this section will give you the tools needed to make informed decisions regarding creative commons licensing at Pitt Community College.


Before you place a CC license on a work you have created (or adapted), read through the considerations provided by Creative Commons. One of the most important considerations is that of irrevocability. CC licenses are not revocable. Once something has been published under a CC license, licensees may continue using it in accordance with the license terms for the duration of applicable copyright and similar rights. As a licensor, you may stop distributing under the CC license at any time, but anyone who has access to a copy of the material may continue to redistribute it under the CC license terms. 

Which license?

If you are licensing your materials with a Creative Commons license for the purpose of sharing them as Open Educational Resources (OER), the College recommends the CC BY license, which is the attribution-only license, if possible. This license is the most open and has the least possibility of having downstream effects that prevent users from using and adapting your materials. There are, however, many issues at play when choosing a license, and you should make choices based on your particular situation and the licenses applied to any CC licensed works that you are incorporating into your OER. It is strongly advised that you do not choose a No Derivatives (ND) license. This license term prevents downstream users from adapting your work in any way, thus greatly reducing its usefulness as an OER. 

Apply a CC License

Pitt Community College owns the copyright (unless stated otherwise in your work contract) of any work created while employed by the College, per the Intellectual Property section in the Employee Manual. You can apply a CC license to your work, but first you need to notify the College of your intentions. 

All you must do is complete a simple online form that will notify the College of your intent. This will allow the College to keep track of the license status of the copyrighted material it owns. You must complete this form before you license material created by you but owned by the College

Marking your work

You need to clearly mark your work so that others know it is openly available for reuse. Please remember to credit Pitt Community College as the copyright owner in cases where the work is owned by the College. You can also provide your name as the creator or author of the work. Where possible, include a link to the college homepage and the specific CC license deed so that others can easily see how they are allowed to use your work.


"Title of Work" by [Author of work] is licensed by Pitt Community College under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.