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What is Included in Summon

Keep in mind that Summon may not retrieve everything in each individual database. It may be that searching the individual database via our A-Z Database List, is the better option. If you have questions, please ask a librarian for help.

Large research databases:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • ProQuest Central

Other smaller and specialized databases:

  • African American Poetry
  • Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
  • American Poetry
  • Art & Architecture Complete
  • Biography Reference Source
  • Business Source Complete
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text
  • Consumer Reports
  • CQ Researcher Online (SAGE)
  • CQ Magazine (SAGE)
  • Credo Reference
  • Dogwood Digital Library
  • Ebook Central
  • eBook Community College Collection
  • Entrepreneurial Studies Source
  • Environment Complete
  • Exploring Race in Society
  • Gale eBooks
  • Gale Literature Resource Center
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
  • Homegrown eBooks Collection
  • Hoopla
  • JoVE Core
  • JoVE Science Education
  • Literary Reference Plus
  • MasterFILE Premier
  • Military & Government Collection
  • Newspaper Source Plus
  • North American Women's Letters and Diaries
  • Opposing Viewpoints
  • Points of View Reference Source
  • PubMed Central
  • R2 Digital Library
  • Stat!Ref

In addition to database content, Summon allows us to include various types of PCC Library information. Examples:

  • Type the word hours in the Summon Search box to see PCC Library's hours at the top of the results list. 
  • Type ENG 112 to see all of the research guides created for the ENG 112 classes.

What is NOT Included in Summon

The following popular databases and resources are NOT searchable via Summon. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list.

  • PCC Library Catalog - Books and other materials physically located in the Library (Everett Building).
  • ALLDATA Repair
  • AnatomyTV
  • BoardVitals
  • ComicsPlus
  • Data Axle Reference Solutions
  • Ed.Flicks
  • ERIC
  • Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
  • ICE Video Library
  • Kanopy
  • Global Road Warrior
  • MedlinePlus
  • Morningstar Investment Research Center
  • Novelist Plus
  • PrepSTEP
  • ProQuest Research Companion
  • Swank Digital Campus
  • Westlaw

You can view a complete list of the Library's online resources and search them individually by going to our A-Z Databases page. You can search for physical items located at PCC Library by searching the Library Catalog.