Dillon, M. (2014). Introduction to sociological theory: Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons; Blackwell Publishing.
Author(s) of Book. (year of publication). Complete title of book (edition if not 1st). Publisher(s).
If you find your book in a library database, you can click on the "Cite" button next to your book details and choose "APA." For this example, you would get the following citation in Ebook Central:
Dillon, M. (2019). Introduction to sociological theory : Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
There are some errors in this database-supplied citation (highlighted in yellow). Here is how it should look:
Dillon, M. (2014). Introduction to sociological theory: Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons; Blackwell Publishing.
Note that in APA 7th, you should not supply any database-related information unless your instructor requires it.
If you use the "Cite" feature, compare your citation carefully to the example shown and change as necessary. Look at the information provided with the book itself to verify anything that looks incorrect.
Make sure to:
Check the author names. In APA style, database-supplied citations will often confuse first names with last names, will include the wrong part of compound names, or will add unneeded components (such as PhD). Look at the author information that appears with the book itself to help determine the correct way to cite an author's name.
Check title capitalization. Database-supplied citations will often give book titles in all capital letters, or will have other capitalization errors. In APA style, book titles should have only the first word, the first word after a colon or long dash, proper nouns, and acronyms capitalized.
Check font, spacing, and punctuation. Citations may not paste with the font that matches the rest of your paper (APA accepts any standard easily readable font as long as you are consistent). Spacing between words and/or line spacing may not be correct. Punctuation (commas, periods) may be missing or may not be correct.
Check for missing or incorrect information in the actual book. In most databases, books will appear as an ebook or PDF version of a print book. Check this version of the book itself for any missing or incorrect publication details such as edition or publisher, and to verify title, author, and date information.
Group Author:
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.).
(Note that the organization does not appear again as the publisher since it is already listed as author.)
Publication Date:
Title of Book:
Series Information:
Edition Information:
American Medical Association. (2017). Principles of CPT coding (9th ed.).
Database Information:
Hanitzsch, T., Hanusch, F., Ramaprasad, J., & de Beer, A. S. (Eds.). (2019). Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures around the globe. Columbia University Press.
Editor(s) of Book (Ed. or Eds.). (year of publication). Complete title of book (edition if not 1st). Publisher(s).
If you find your book in a library database, you can click on the "Cite" button next to your book details and choose "APA." For this example, you would get the following citation in eBook Collection:
Thomas Hanitzsch, Folker Hanusch, Jyotika Ramaprasad, & Arnold S. de Beer. (2019). Worlds of Journalism : Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe. Columbia University Press.
There are a number of errors in this database-supplied citation (highlighted in yellow). Here is how it should look:
Hanitzsch, T., Hanusch, F., Ramaprasad, J., & de Beer, A. S. (Eds.). (2019). Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures around the globe. Columbia University Press.
Note that in APA 7th, you should not supply any database-related information unless your instructor requires it.
If you use the "Cite" feature, compare your citation carefully to the example shown and change as necessary. Look at the information provided with the book itself to verify anything that looks incorrect.
Make sure to:
Check the editor names. In APA style, database-supplied citations will often confuse first names with last names, will include the wrong part of compound names, or will add unneeded components (such as PhD). Look at the author information that appears with the book itself to help determine the correct way to cite an editor's name.
Check title capitalization. Database-supplied citations will often give book titles in all capital letters, or will have other capitalization errors. In APA style, book titles should have only the first word, the first word after a colon or long dash, proper nouns, and acronyms capitalized.
Check font, spacing, and punctuation. Citations may not paste with the font that matches the rest of your paper (APA accepts any standard easily readable font as long as you are consistent). Spacing between words and/or line spacing may not be correct. Punctuation (commas, periods) may be missing or may not be correct.
Check for missing or incorrect information in the actual book. In most databases, books will appear as an ebook or PDF version of a print book. Check this version of the book itself for any missing publication details such as edition or publisher, and to verify title, editor, and date information.
Publication Date:
Title of Book:
Series Information:
Edition Information:
Database Information:
Ostberg, J. (2012). Masculinity and fashion. In C. C. Otnes & L. Tuncay Zayer (Eds.), Gender, culture, and consumer behavior (pp. 255-283). Routledge.
Author(s) of Chapter/Article. (year of publication). Complete title of chapter/article. In Editor(s) of Book (Ed. or Eds.), Complete title of book (edition if not 1st, pp. page range of chapter/article). Publisher(s).
When to Use This Format:
Writer(s) of Single Chapter/Article:
Publication Date:
Title of Single Chapter/Article:
Editor(s) Statement:
Title of Book:
Series Information:
Edition Information:
Original Publication Information:
Coates, T.-N. (2019). The case for reparations. In G. Colombo, R. Cullen, & B. Lisle (Eds.), Rereading America: Cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing (11th ed., pp. 604-631). Bedford/St. Martin's. (Reprinted from "The case for reparations," 2014, June, The Atlantic)
In certain cases, especially in the case of textbooks, your book may have authors listed instead of editors and may still include a section of readings by multiple other writers. This is the case with the current English text, Everyone's an Author. Cite an individual work from this type of book as follows:
Pinker, S. Mind over mass media. (2017). In A. Lunsford, M. Brody, L. Ede, B. J. Moss, C. C. Papper, & K. Walters, Everyone's an author with readings (2nd ed., pp. 1029-1032). W. W. Norton & Company. (Reprinted from "Mind over mass media [Editorial]," 2010, June 11, The New York Times, A31)
(Note that original publication information should be included if your article is a reprint from another source.)
Mearns, R., & Norton, A. (Eds.). (2010). Social dimensions of climate change: Equity and vulnerability in a warming world. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. https://doi.org/10.1596/978-0-8213-7887-8
Author(s) or Editor(s) of Book (if editor[s], Ed. or Eds.). (year of publication). Complete title of book (edition if not 1st). Publisher(s). https://doi.org/10.xxxxxxxx
If you find your book in a library database, you can click on the "Cite" button next to your book details and choose "APA." For this example, you would get the following citation in Ebook Central:
World, B. (2009). Social dimensions of climate change : Equity and vulnerability in a warming world. World Bank Publications.
There are a number of errors in this database-supplied citation (highlighted in yellow). Here is how it should look:
Mearns, R., & Norton, A. (Eds.). (2010). Social dimensions of climate change: Equity and vulnerability in a warming world. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. https://doi.org/10.1596/978-0-8213-7887-8
Note that in APA 7th, you should not supply any database-related information unless your instructor requires it.
If you use the "Cite" feature, compare your citation carefully to the example shown and change as necessary. Look at the information provided with the book itself to verify anything that looks incorrect.
Make sure to:
Check the author names. In APA style, database-supplied citations will often confuse first names with last names, will include the wrong part of compound names, or will add unneeded components (such as PhD). Look at the author information that appears with the book itself to help determine the correct way to cite an author's name.
Check title capitalization. Database-supplied citations will often give book titles in all capital letters, or will have other capitalization errors. In APA style, book titles should have only the first word, the first word after a colon or long dash, proper nouns, and acronyms capitalized.
Check DOI format. There is only one acceptable way to write DOI numbers in APA 7th style; standardize your DOI number to match the format shown here (see the "Helpful Tips" tab). Database-supplied citations will sometimes include extra unneeded parts at the beginning of the DOI number.
Check font, spacing, and punctuation. Citations may not paste with the font that matches the rest of your paper (APA accepts any standard easily readable font as long as you are consistent). Spacing between words and/or line spacing may not be correct. Punctuation (commas, periods) may be missing or may not be correct.
Check for missing or incorrect information in the actual book. In most databases, books will appear as an ebook or PDF version of a print book. Check this version of the book itself for any missing publication details such as edition or publisher, and to verify title, author/editor, and date information.
(Put Ed. or Eds. in parentheses at the end of your name list if your book has editors instead of authors.)
Group Author:
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.).
(Note that the organization does not appear again as the publisher since it is already listed as author.)
Publication Date:
Title of Book:
Series Information:
Edition Information:
American Medical Association. (2017). Principles of CPT coding (9th ed.).
Database Information:
DOI Number:
Aellah, G., Chantler, T., & Geissler, P. W. (2016). Global health research in an unequal world: Ethics case studies from Africa. CAB International. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK458764/pdf
Author(s) or Editor(s) of Ebook (if editor[s], Ed. or Eds.). (year of publication). Complete title of ebook (edition if not 1st). Publisher(s). Direct URL for ebook
When to Use This Format:
(Put Ed. or Eds. in parentheses at the end of your name list if your book has editors instead of authors.)
Group Author:
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (7th ed.).
(Note that the organization does not appear again as the publisher since it is already listed as author.)
Publication Date:
Title of Book:
Series Information:
Edition Information:
American Medical Association. (2017). Principles of CPT coding (9th ed.).