An authoritative pocket guide to the birds of Costa Rica that provides a comprehensive overview of the variety of bird-life to be found in Costa Rica. Over 250 native species are included in the book, each description supported by a clear colour photograph taken where possible in the bird's natural Costa Rican habitat.
Learn about local attitudes and tradition, and how to maneuver through the country's business customs and environment. CultureShock! Costa Rica will help you adapt to this intriguing society while appreciating its fascinating and unique qualities.
At the biological crossroads of the Americas, Costa Rica hosts one of the widest varieties of plants in the wold, with habitats ranging from tidal mangrove swamps, and lowland rainforests, to dry tropical evergreen and deciduous forests.
Reptiles of Costa Rica is a comprehensive field guide to the crocodilians, turtles, lizards, and snakes of Costa Rica. A popular destination for tourists and biologists because of its biodiversity, the country is particularly rich in reptile fauna, boasting 245 species.
The abundant insect life of the rainforests of northeastern Costa Rica is the subject of this engaging book, first published over twenty-five years ago and now including two new chapters on the rise of ecotourism in the region.