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HSC 110: Health Sciences Careers at PCC

Resources and tutorials for students enrolled in HSC 110: Orientation to Health Careers.


Professional association and organizational websites are excellent resources to use when trying to learn more about a particular field or industry. You can often find information regarding:

  • career development and training
  • issues and trends in the field
  • networking opportunities with other professionals
  • job postings
  • workshops, conferences, continuing education

Maintaining membership and taking on an active role within a professional organization shows a commitment to your industry or career field.

Association Review Assignment

For this assignment you will be required to select and then write a review for two professional associations in the field of healthcare. Within the review, be sure to include the URL (link), the name of the association you have chosen to review, and at least five bullet points (for each review) detailing information you learned about the association. Make sure that you closely review the assignment details provided to you by your instructor. 

Find Professional Associations

The interactive tutorial included in your HSC 110 Moodle course will show you how to:

  • find professional associations in a particular career field
  • get help if you need it