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HUM 115: Critical Thinking (Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb)

Getting Started

Work your way through the different sections on this page in order to get started with your research. The examples are there for you to use and explore, but remember that there may be many more resources found by searching the databases.

Read through the Basic Database Search Tips section of this page first and model your search phrases after the examples listed. If you need help with your research at any point, ask a librarian

Overviews, Essays, & Opinions

Search for Overviews

Credo Reference is an excellent place to get background information on a topic. Start by typing Hiroshima in the search box. The results page will include topic pages and a list of results. You could then search for things like atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, radiation sickness, etc.

Overview Examples

Opinions, Reference Articles, and More

Opposing Viewpoints Search Results


Search for E-books

Summon E-book Search

NOTE: This does not search all of PCC Library's e-book databases.

E-book Examples


Search for Articles

Article Examples



Films on Demand

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Basic Database Search Tips

Try different keywords.

"atomic bomb"
"hydrogen bomb"
"nuclear bomb"

"radiation sickness"
"flash burn"



Combine keywords with AND, or OR.

Hiroshima AND "atomic bomb"
"atomic bomb" AND debate
radiation AND Hiroshima
Truman AND Hiroshima
Truman AND decision AND bomb
"atomic bomb" OR A-Bomb


Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.

"atomic bomb"
"radiation sickness"

Use an asterisk (*) to find multiple forms of a word.

bomb* will find bomb, bombs, bombings, etc.


Refine your results:

  • Publication Date
  • Content Type
  • Subject