A great idea can come from many places. Here are some suggested places to start:
Before you develop your research topic or question, you'll need to do some background research first.
Try the library databases below to explore your topic. When you're ready, move on to refining your topic.
A country by country guide specifically designed for those engaged in international trade & business travel. It includes points of interest, information about climate, culture, food, health, human rights, and much more.
IMPORTANT! If you are not able to access database content, you may need to try a different browser.
Collection of over 600 full-text reference books that cover thousands of topics including art, business, medicine, sociology, technology, and much more.
Now that you've done some background research, it's time to narrow your topic.
Remember: the shorter your final paper, the narrower your topic needs to be.
Try filling in the blanks in the following sentence, as much as you can:
I want to research _________ (what/who)
and ________ (what/who)
in __________(where)
during _________(when)
because _________(why).