A country by country guide specifically designed for those engaged in international trade & business travel. It includes points of interest, information about climate, culture, food, health, human rights, and much more.
IMPORTANT! If you are not able to access database content, you may need to try a different browser.
Once you have clicked the link for Global Road Warrior and have it open in a separate tab, use the following steps to search for cultural information.
Step 1. Choose a country from the list provided, or by clicking the country on the global map.
Step 2. From the country page, use the menu options on the left side of the screen.
Global Road Warrior provides citations for the country studies included in the database.
Once you have selected a particular country and have the page open, scroll down to the bottom of the side menu.
In the pop-up window, highlight then copy the format you need (APA, MLA, etc.).
Always check the citation for formatting, spelling, or other errors. Have questions? Ask a librarian for help!