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What's New at the Library

January 2024: Aurora Borealis

Image: Kirkjufell, Iceland; Cropped photo by Landon Arnold on Unsplash.

New Hours for Spring 2024

The Library will no longer open on Saturdays.

Monday -Thursday: 7:45 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Friday: 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED

Please visit the hours page for exceptions to the regular hours.


New Issues in Flipster

Consuper Reports, National Geographic, Popular Mechanics, and Entrepreneur magazine covers

New Fiction on Display

New Catalog

We have a new library catalog!

Use the catalog to search for print books and other materials that are physically located at PCC Library.Evergreen Catalog Search box with Logo

From the Library homepage, click Find Books. There, you can use the embedded search box.

Click the Catalog Direct Link to open the catalog homepage, which provides more search options (Advanced Search and Browse the Catalog).

The catalog homepage allows you to log in to your library account where you can see what you have checked out and renew items as needed.

You can place holds on items within the catalog, just as before.Catalog homepage screen shot

To log in, you will need to already have set up a library account. The username is your PCC student ID number and the PIN is the last four digits of the phone number you used when setting up your library account.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Happy searching!

Database Updates

Online Access

  • Everyone will be prompted to enter their myPittCC login credentials any time they are needing to access the Library's online resources whether they are on campus or not. You will now use your ENTIRE myPittCC email address, including, when logging in. 
  • As usual, if you do not know your myPittCC password, you will need to contact the PCC Helpdesk if you are not able to update it on your own. 

Canceled Databases

  • PCC Library did not renew access to many Gale databases. However, we still have access to Opposing Viewpoints and Gale Literature.
  • NC LIVE did not renew access to Gale in Context: Biography and Cypress Resume.

New Databases

  • PCC Library provides access to four digital magazines through Flipster, which allows you to view the entire magazine online as if you were viewing the print version.
  • NC LIVE now provides access to Social Explorer, which allows you to visualize and interact with data, create maps, charts, reports, and downloads. Explore hundreds of thousands of built-in data indicators related to demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime and more.

About Flipster

Flipster LogoPCC faculty, students, and staff can access select digital magazines using Flipster. Flipster is a next-generation digital newsstand that allows people to browse digital versions of the latest issues of popular magazines. Magazines can be downloaded to mobile devices for offline reading anytime, anywhere.

Flipster open page view

Search by Keyword

Searching within Flipster is a bit clunky in that you must open an individual magazine first before you can search the issues of that one magazine. There is currently not a way to search all of the magazines in our subscription of Flipster all at once. Also keep in mind that Flipster does not include all back issues. For example, the National Geographic has been in publication since 1888, but Flipster only provides access back through March 2017. We also have access to National Geographic articles in the database called Academic Search Complete. It provides full text for articles from 1995 up until 2021 (which changes periodically). 

  • Click to open an individual issue on your screen.
  • Click the Search icon at the top. 
  • You can choose to search "This issue" or "All issues" by using the drop-down menu.
  • Type a keyword and click the search icon to the right of the word you entered.
  • The pages from the issues that mention the keyword will appear in a results list below the search box. 
  • Click a page to go directly to that page where the keyword is mentioned.

Keyword search in Flipster


About Social Explorer

Social Explorer Data Snacks