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PSY 241: Birth Customs Around the World

*There is an interactive tutorial that goes along with this guide.


Search Tips

  • Use keywords such as birth, midwifery, pregnancy, etc.
  • If you get too many results, try adding more words. Connect keywords with AND.  
    • birth AND women
    • Africa AND pregnancy
  • From your list of results, click Subjects, then try categories such as Women & Society, Global Studies, etc.

Kanopy: Limit by Subjects

  • Once you click to view a video, click the More link to get a citation and a transcript.

Kanopy: Click More for Citations and a Transcript

Films on Demand

Films on Demand

Films on Demand gives you many options:

  • A search box is located near the top of every page on the site.
  • From a list of results, click the title of a video you want to view. The video page will include a video player with options to watch the video, turn on closed captions, control the volume, and view full screen.
  • On each video page there are also options to read a transcript, skip around to various segments of the video, and get a citation.

Films on Demand Search Example

Featured Videos

These are just some examples of the different types of videos and video segments available. Search the video databases to see if you find more on your topic. Use keywords such as: midwife, midwifery, childbirth, birth, etc.