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World History

Find resources related to the study of world history.

History Books

Books about historical topics can be found throughout the Library's collection. There are certain large sections of the collection that are dedicated to history. However, books on a historical topic related to music, for example, will not be shelved in the general history section. They will instead be found in the section with books about music. 

Library Catalog Search

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Search Examples

Search for books related to World War I:

  • world war, 1914-1918
  • world war, 1914-1918 AND United States

Search for books related to World War II:

  • world war, 1939-1945
  • world war, 1939-1945 AND Jews

Search for other topics, events, or people:

  • Julius Caesar
  • Cold War
  • gladiators
  • Egypt AND pyramids
  • women AND Greece

Browse the Bookshelves

Library BookshelvesBooks about history are are shelved by country or region:

  • CB History of Civilization
  • D  History: General and Old World
  • DA  Great Britain
  • DC  France
  • DD  Germany
  • DE  Greco-Roman World
  • DF  Greece
  • DG  Italy
  • DK  Russia
  • DL  Scandinavia
  • DP  Spain
  • DS  Asia
  • DS 41-154  Middle East, Arab Countries
  • DS 701-799  China
  • DT  Africa
  • F 1001-1145  Canada
  • F 1201-1392  Mexico
  • F 1421-1440  Central America
  • F 1601-1629  West Indies
  • F 2155-2191 Caribbean
  • F 2201-3799  South America

Ask a library staff member if you need help finding books in a particular section.

Get Books from Other Libraries

Share Book IconIf PCC Library does not own a copy of a book that you need, we can see if another library is able to loan it to you through our interlibrary loan (ILL) service. Just fill out the ILL form as completely as possible. Once the book arrives, we will contact you so that you can pick it up. 

Keep in mind...

  • Cost: FREE!
  • Libraries do not usually purchase or loan textbooks. 
  • Allow 5-10 business days for processing and delivery.