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COM 231: Birthday Speech Research

Use these resources to find articles published on or near your birthday.



Search for Articles

Summon Search

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Find articles that mention a specific date:

  1. In the Summon Search box, type your birthdate surrounded by quote marks:  “November 10, 1985”
  2. Click Search.
  3. Choose Newspaper Article and/or Magazines.
  4. The articles may have been published on that date, or include that date somewhere in the text of the article.


Find articles published on or near a specific date:

  1. Click Advanced Search Options.
  2. Under Publication date, enter your birthdate in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy
  3. Under Content type, click to choose Newspaper article and Magazine article.
  4. Under Limit to, click beside Items with full text online.
  5. Click the Search button.

Online Access

Paw: Indicates that a password is needed to access the resource from off campus.The username and password to access databases is the same as what you use to log in to myPittCC and Moodle. The username is your entire myPittCC email address ( 

Community logins are available to Pitt County residents with PCC library cards and others who are enrolled in or are affiliated with PCC programs and continuing education courses. Scroll down and look for the "Community Login" section.