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History vs. Film (HIS 131 and 132)

Assignment research guide for E. Walls.

Know What to Look For!

Before you start searching, it's a good idea to know what to look for. Read through the characteristics of a scholarly article below, then scroll down and look at the scholarly and magazine article examples provided on this page. Don't forget to read the information underneath each image as there are explanations about what makes the article scholarly (or not).


There are many clues to help you determine whether or not an article is scholarly. However, even when you know the clues, it can still be hard to be absolutely sure, as not all scholarly articles will include all of the characteristics listed below. In addition, different disciplines (sciences, arts, etc.) may use very different formatting for scholarly articles published in their field. Always ask a librarian or your instructor if you need help!

General Characteristics of Scholarly Articles

  • also called academic articles, research articles, peer-reviewed articles
  • tend to have lengthy articles (5-50 pages)
  • cover a single, very specific aspect of a subject area
  • include in-text citations and either footnotes or a lengthy list of references (works cited) 
  • are written for an academic or scholarly audience
  • use technical or specialized vocabulary
  • are written by academics, specialists, or researchers in the field
  • the author's name and academic credentials are usually included
  • include only charts, tables, or photographs that clarify the research
  • include very little or no advertising
  • are published between 2-12 times per year, most often quarterly

Scholarly Examples

Academic Search Complete scholarly article

Article from ProQuest Central

Non-Scholarly Examples

Film reviews and book reviews are not considered scholarly articles. The document type will often let you know if it is a review. Also, the abstract in this case mentions that this is a review. 

Academic Search Complete review

Even when you limit your search results to include only sources from academic and/or scholarly journals, not all articles within a journal will be considered scholarly. Many journals include book and/or film reviews, which are not appropriate as a scholarly secondary source for this assignment.

ProQuest Central article that is not scholarly