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ENG 112: Diary of a Young Naturalist (Temple)

Use the resources in this guide as a starting point for learning about the main topics covered in this course.

Articles and E-books

Summon Search

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Search Examples

Use the following examples as a guide for what to type in the Summon search box:

  • "Northern Ireland" AND naturalist
  • "Diary of a Young Naturalist"
  • nature AND sustainability
  • "North Carolina" AND (birding OR birds OR "bird watching")
  • (ecosystem OR habitat) AND (conservation OR preservation OR protection)

Once you have a list of results, use the options in the side bar to refine your results by date, type of resource, subject, etc.

Search Individual Databases

Since Summon doesn't search everything, you may want to search individual databases. 

Subject Databases

Documentaries and Films

Kanopy video results screen

Library Catalog Search

Catalog Search Logo