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ENG 112: Diary of a Young Naturalist (Temple)

Use the resources in this guide as a starting point for learning about the main topics covered in this course.

Northern Ireland, United kingdom

Politically, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom (U.K.) and is separate from the Republic of Ireland. Geographically, Northern Ireland is physically connected to the Republic of Ireland. This makes things a little tricky when researching. Do you look for info about the U.K., or do you instead look for info about Ireland? The answer is, "it depends." Try the sources listed here on this page first, but if you need help finding more resources, ask a librarian!

coast of Northern Ireland

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Online Library Resources

You will be prompted to enter your myPittCC username and password to access these resources from off campus.

Enyclopedia Articles


Internet Resources

The following resources are found on the web and do not require a PCC login for access.