Use the resources listed in this guide to begin your research on global issues. Pay close attention to the search tips and examples provided on each page. They will help make your research more successful. If you are having trouble, use the information on the Help page to contact a librarian.
Use the Global Issues search box to enter a keyword, or click Browse Issues to see a list of topic pages.
Topic pages include an overview article (background information) and more resources such as articles, news, reference essays, and more.
Keep moving through the pages in this guide to find more topic ideas and resources. Remember to ask a librarian if you have questions at any point.
The username and password to access databases is the same as what you use to log in to myPittCC and Moodle. The username is your entire myPittCC email address (
Community logins are available to Pitt County residents with PCC library cards and others who are enrolled in or are affiliated with PCC programs and continuing education courses. Scroll down and look for the "Community Login" section.