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HEA 110: Coutouzis Midterm

Sleep and Stress Banner

Instructions & Sources

High-risk behaviors and negative lifestyle choices. Short- and long-term health effects.

  • Sleep:
    • Identify habits and behaviors that are more commonly seen in the U.S. college student population that can lead to poor quality sleep.
    • Identify the short and long-term health effects of too little sleep and poor sleep habits.
  • Stress:
    • Identify habits and behaviors more commonly seen in the U.S. college student population that increase the risk of higher stress levels.
    • Identify the short and long-term health effects of poorly managed stress.

Global Components

  • Sleep:
    • Using the Gallup Survey Report, compare and discuss sleep statistics and patterns (e.g. sleep duration, bed/wake times, etc.) statistics in the U.S. to your team’s assigned country.
  • Stress:
    • Using the Gallup Survey Report, compare and discuss the U.S. rates of reported stress to the rates of your team’s assigned country.

Symptoms and/or behavioral indicators that someone may be on the negative end of the wellness spectrum. Tests and/or diagnoses for a person who may be on the negative end of the wellness spectrum are included.

  • Sleep:
    • Detail symptoms and indicators for someone struggling with achieving quality sleep and the effects poor sleep habits would have on other areas of their life.
    • Describe how a healthcare provider would diagnose sleep deprivation and other sleep-related conditions.
  • Stress:
    • Detail symptoms and indicators for a person struggling with stress management and the effects poorly managed stress would have on other areas of their life.
    • Describe how a healthcare provider would approach the process of understanding someone’s stress and how it is affecting their lives.

Global Components

  • Sleep:
    • Using the article source from ScienceAdvances, discuss similarities and differences you see in U.S. sleep habits to your team’s assigned country.
    • Identify any differences that our country can learn from your team’s assigned country to enhance our amount of quality sleep.
  • Stress:
    • Using the Gallup Survey Report and other resources provided, discuss similarities and differences of stressors in the U.S. to your team’s assigned country.
    • Identify any differences that our country can learn from your team's assigned country to decrease or better manage stress.

Positive lifestyle choices for prevention, and how to seek treatment when needed.

  • Sleep:
    • Detail how the typical college student can improve their sleep habits.
    • Identify different treatment options for someone if sleep problems persist or worsen after making lifestyle changes.
  • Stress:
    • Detail how the typical college student can reduce their risk of chronic stress.
    • Identify different treatment options someone can pursue to address stress management if problems persist or worsen after making lifestyle changes.

Global Components

  • Sleep:
    • Identify a complementary or alternative health practice that may improve sleep, and is realistic for a college student to practice.
    • Briefly compare and discuss our country’s application of that practice to the country of origin’s application.
  • Stress:
    • Identify a complementary or alternative health practice that may improve sleep, and is realistic for a college student to practice.
    • Briefly compare and discuss our country’s application of that practice to the country of origin’s application.

Sources for Sleep & Stress

These sources listed on this page have been specifically chosen by your instructor and the librarian to help you find the information you need to complete the project. You will need to find two additional sources on your own.

Find Two Additional Sources

You can use the additional sources listed here or search for sources using the instructions on the Find Library Resources and Internet Search Tips pages on this guide.