This collection provides high quality streaming videos on business & economics, health & medicine, humanities & social sciences, and science & mathematics, as well as travel and fitness programming, home and how-to videos, indie films, and popular music performances. Linking/Embedding Issues with MS PPT
How does Films on Demand work?
Films on Demand includes a variety of educational programming and documentaries that you can watch instantly. PCC library patrons (students, staff, or community members) can view any of the films found in the database.
You can search by keyword using the search box, or click the menu icon to view films by subject, category, or producer. There are View All links at the bottom of each column for even more options.
Notes for Instructors
Links for Moodle
Link to the Films on Demand database:
Link to an individual film: Find the film in the database, click Share, then choose Embed/Link. Copy the entire Record URL.
If you have questions about adding Films on Demand content to your Moodle courses, please contact the Library.
Can't find something?
We also have access to SWANK Digital Campus and Kanopy. A librarian can help you figure out if the Library can provide the video you need.