JoVE includes videos and animations that you can watch instantly. PCC library patrons (students, staff, or community members) can view any of the films found in the database. Instructors can set up faculty accounts to get "extra" resources such as quizzes and curriculum mapping. PCC subscribes to JoVE Core, Science Education, and Lab Manual.
Video demonstrations that illustrate key concepts for a wide range of STEM subjects including biology, chemistry, environmental science, psychology, clinical medicine, and engineering.
Videos and animations that explain concepts taught in undergraduate biology, chemistry, and social psychology courses.
Type a keyword or phrase, such as cellular respiration, in the search box at the top of the screen, then click the Search icon.
If you get too many results, try adding more words to your search by using the options in the Refine Your Search section of the results page. For example, your could add the term ATP to the search. This would mean that the videos in the results list would have to mention both cellular respiration and ATP.
If you add too many words to the search, you can click the X icons to remove them and go back to your original results.
Click the Science Education button in the navigation bar.
Choose a topic to see a list of the videos and animations in that category.
You can import JoVE content directly into your course by using the Moodle plugin. This is an easy way for your students to be able to click and play videos without having to log in again in order to view via the JoVE library database.