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PCC Library Blog

Showing 9 of 9 Results

profile-icon Angela Davis

Update: PCC Library DOES NOT CURRENTLY SUBSCRIBE to The Chronicle of Higher Education (November 2024). 

Access Online via Library Databases

Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost) and Opposing Viewpoints (Gale) include access to full-text articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education between 1999, and the present. However, there is a publisher imposed 30-day embargo on adding full text to these databases, so you will not be able to access the most recent issues.


Use Academic Search Complete

Quick Link: Go directly to the Academic Search Complete Chronicle of Higher Ed. Publication page (view by year, volume, issue, etc.).

Step-by-step instructions for getting to the publication page:

  • Go to the PCC Library homepage (opens in a new window).
  • Click Databases.
  • Click the letter "A" then choose Academic Search Complete. You will be prompted to login with your myPittCC username and password.
  • Once the database is open, click Publications in the top navigation bar.

  • Skip the top search box on the next page. Look for the text box in the Publications section.
  • Type Chronicle of Higher Education in the search box.
  • If not already selected, click the radial button next to Alphabetical
  • Click Browse.

  • Click the link for Chronicle of Higher Education. 

  • From this next page, you can choose to view articles by year, issue, etc. 
  • There is also a Search within this Publication link that will allow you to search by keyword.
  • The Full Text section lets you know what dates are available as full text and whether or not there are any publisher embargoes.


Use Opposing Viewpoints

Quick Link: Go directly to the Opposing Viewpoints Chronicle of Higher Education Publication Page (view by year, volume, issue, etc.).

Step-by-step instructions for getting to the publication page:

  • Go to the PCC Library homepage (opens in a new window).
  • Click Databases.
  • Click the letter "O" then choose Opposing Viewpoints. You will be prompted to enter your myPittCC username and password.
  • Click Advanced Search.
  • Click Publication Search.
  • In the search box, start typing: The Chronicle of Higher Education. Click the title when you see it appear in the drop-down menu, or continue typing the complete title in the Publication Search box.
  • Click Search.

  • Click the link for The Chronicle of Higher Education.
  • Click the drop-down menu to view issues from a particular year.
  • Use the Search Within Publication box to search for articles on a topic.


If you can't find the article that you need, or you are having trouble navigating the database, please do not hesitate to ask a librarian.

profile-icon Angela Davis

The Films on Demand database includes some titles produced by UNC TV. 

To find them . . .

  1. Go to the Films on Demand database via PCC Library's databases page. Log in with your myPittCC credentials. 
  2. From the Films on Demand homepage, click Advanced Search.
  3. Under Select Type of Content, use the drop down menu to select Custom Videos.
  4. In the Choose Filters section, use the Producers drop down menu to select UNC TV.
  5. Click the Search button.
profile-icon Angela Davis

Flashcards, Tutorials, Test Prep, Practice Tests, Licensure Exams

PCC instructors can now provide easier online access to high school, continuing education, or other types of students in their areas needing to study and prepare for things like the GED, TEAS, HiSET, ACCUPLACER, EMT, CDL, ASVAB, CLEP, ACT, SAT, NCLEX-RN . . . and so many more.

The Library can provide you with a custom link (or set of links) that you can pass along to your students, leading them to the exact tutorial, practice test, etc. that you want them to complete with fewer steps.

For example . . .

Students in a Pharmacy Technician class through Con Ed, can be sent a custom link (or set of links) from their instructor that allows them to directly access very specific modules. The student clicks the link and is taken directly to the login page for a specific practice test, tutorial, learning center, etc.

How is this better?

The custom links remove the extra steps of having to click the database link, login through the proxy via myPittCC (or with a generic proxy username/password), then spend time searching the database and sifting through the various results to find the exact test or tutorial that they need. 

Why create an account?

Personal accounts make it so you can save your progress and return to finish later. The first step is to click "Sign In or Register to Begin." To create an account, enter a valid e-mail address and create a password. A student ID and course number are NOT required and the e-mail does not have to be one from PCC. Next time, just sign in and pick up where you left off.

Try it! ExCPT Test Login Page

Here are just a few examples of custom links that do not require you to login via the usual Library Online Database Access page, so that you can see how it works. 

There are literally thousands of individual tests, tutorials, study materials, and learning centers for which we can provide custom links. To see what's available, click the PrepSTEP link below, and when prompted, login to myPittCC. Create your own personal account to take tests, access tutorials, etc. 

  • Login Required for Off-Campus Access
  • NC LIVE Resource

Provides access to both LearningExpress and PrepSTEP. Includes practice for the TEAS test, ACT, SAT, NCLEX-RN, licensing exams, developmental math and reading skills, basic computer skills, workplace skills, and more.

What's next?

We can create the links for you, or we can show you how to do it on your own. Contact Angela Davis ( to get started. 

profile-icon Angela Davis

OE Week Banner


What Is Open Education Week?

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.

How can we celebrate? Learn & Share!

Attend one of the many free online OE Week events that are taking place all over the globe, of which quite a few are being presented by or for community and technical colleges, or attend a session right here at PCC. You could also try searching for openly licensed materials that are available in your subject area.

Find something neat? Tell us!

List any interesting articles, infographics, textbooks, videos, courses, etc. that you come across. Simply add it to the PCC OE Week Padlet. Click the + [plus] icon to add your post (see the preview below). Feel free to comment on the posts that are already there and start a conversation!. I've found a lot of new things in the past few days and I'm eager to see what you guys will add.

Other ways to celebrate can include reading the latest issue of the OER Digest or go over to the CCCOER website for news and webinars, or visit SPARC and take a deep dive into Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.OE Week 2024 Logo

Happy searching...and learning!

Angela Davis
PCC Instruction & Web Services Librarian and NCCCLA OER Task Force Chairperson | (252) 493-7366

By setting up Library Links, you can access research articles licensed by PCC Library while using Google Scholar.

Go to Google Scholar:

If you have a Google account, go ahead and sign in. This way, you will always have your Library Link connected no matter where you log in to Google.

Click the sandwich menu in the top left.

Google Scholar menu

From the drop-down menu, choose Settings.

Google Scholar Settings

From the Settings menu, choose Library Links.

Google Scholar Library Links

In the search box under Show library access links for… type Pitt Community College.

Click the Search button.

Google Scholar Pitt Community College

Click to check the box next to Pitt Community College - Full-Text @ My Library.

You may also see options for PITT COMMUNITY COLLEGE-ProQuest Fulltext and/or Open WorldCat. You may check all three, but it is not necessary.

Click Save.

Google Scholar: Check options for Pitt Community College Library

When you log in to your Google account and search Google Scholar, you will see Full-Text @ My Library along with other links out to the sides of articles. 

To access the article, click one of the links out to the side (there may be more than one way to access an article). 

When you see . . .

  • No link out to the side - You can submit an Interlibrary Loan request and we will try to find access via another library

  • [PDF] URL from a school (.edu) or other website (.org, .com, etc.) - Click to open the article

  • ProQuest Fulltext - Available in one of PCC's ProQuest databases; Click the link, login to mypittCC, get the article

  • Full-Text @ My Library - Available in one of PCC Library's databases; Click the link, login to mypittCC, get the article

NOTE: When you click a link that goes to content available via a Library database, you will be prompted to login to myPittCC before you can access the article.

Google Scholar results list

If you have questions, or come across an article with a Full-Text @ My Library link that doesn’t actually take you to the article, please contact Angela Davis, PCC Librarian, at

Updated: 5/30/2024 ASD

profile-icon Angela Davis

Streaming video databases at PCC LibraryHello Faculty and Adjuncts!

PCC Library offers several streaming video options for adding films and documentaries to online (or in-person) courses. Click the links below to get instructions on how to access and use the content from these databases.

SWANK Digital Campus

  • Includes only the videos/films requested by PCC faculty
  • View the SWANK catalog to see what films are available, then let us know what you'd like to order


  • Includes documentaries and films on a variety of topics
  • You may request films not included in the base package


  • Includes video demonstrations that illustrate key concepts for a wide range of STEM subjects including biology, chemistry, environmental science, psychology, clinical medicine, and engineering
  • Includes quiz questions and other faculty resources such as curriculum mapping, etc.

Films on Demand

  • Includes a variety of educational programming and documentaries


  • To access library databases from off campus, you will be prompted to enter your myPittCC username and password (do not include in the username). 
  • Pay close attention to the instructions on the pages listed above for how to properly include video links in your courses so that students will be able to access the videos from home.

If you have any questions, please let us know! Our web services librarian, Angela Davis (, will be glad to help you incorporate content from these databases into your Moodle courses. 

profile-icon Angela Davis

Having database access issues?

When clicking a library database link, you will be prompted to login to myPittCC (the campus portal). If your login is not successful, we suggest the following:

  • Review the myPittCC login instructions provided by the campus.

  • Read the information on the Library's Online Access page. This page has screenshots, instructions, lists possible browser issues, and provides links to service update sites for various database vendors.

  • If the database link you are using is in your Moodle course, you may want to get our of Moodle, and try accessing the database from the Library’s A-Z database page instead. It may be that the link in Moodle was typed incorrectly or is out-of-date. 


When the Library is open . . .

  • Contact the Library by phone or email and let us know what is happening in case there is an issue with the database. 

  • Use our Report a Problem form if you don't need immediate assistance, but want to let us know there is an issue that needs attention. 


When the Library is closed . . .

  • Use the online reference chat box found on either the Library homepage, or the Ask a Librarian page. Actual human librarians with master's degrees in library or information science are available 24/7 to help you! They may be able to help you figure out a way to get to the information you need.
  • If you are still not successful, please send an email to both your instructor and the Library ( explaining what is happening. This way, there is documentation of the problem, and the Library can start working to figure out what’s going on as soon as possible. 


Updated 11/22/2024 by A. Davis

profile-icon Angela Davis

The Library’s online databases and research guides will still be accessible even though some embedded features on a few library pages may not load properly during this time. Examples include library request forms, some video tutorials, embedded Google docs, etc. The online library chat service will still be available except for the July 4th holiday. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Library’s Reference Desk at (252) 493-7360.

Two excited kids sitting in front of a laptop; "Tech upgrades...YES!"

profile-icon Angela Davis

There is an issue with linking and embedding Films on Demand videos and video segments in Microsoft products. It has to do with how Microsoft handles the links. When the link is clicked, you get a login screen instead of the video automatically playing. The workaround suggested by Films on Demand is to create a playlist and then link to the playlist instead of the individual segment or video.

Here's the process step-by-step:

From the Library's Online Database list, click the Films on Demand link. If off campus, you will be prompted to enter your myPittCC credentials.

Create a personal account in Films on Demand and then log in.

Screen image of My Films















Navigate to (or search for) the video you want to use in your document, then click "Add to."

Screen image of Add To link








Click "Playlist."

Screen Image of Playlist









Beside "New Playlist" type the name of your new playlist, then click the "New Playlist" button.

Screen image of New Playlist
















Click "Go to Playlists."

Screen image of Go to Playlists














Click "Embed/Link."

Screen image: Embed/Link















Copy the entire link provided beside Record URL
This is the URL you will use to link out to the video. You will not be able to embed the video, but you can create a screen shot or insert a still image from the video and use that as your linked object. 

Screen image: Record URL















NOTE: If you have more than one video in the playlist, then you will be linking to the entire playlist, which may be OK if you have several videos that you want to access during your presentation. However, if you want to keep the videos separate, then create a different playlist for each video. 

If you need help, please contact us!

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